Tag Archives: hot pink

Peace Sign Nails


peace sign

I originally saw these kind of nails in a magazine and decided to spin it a little to make them my own!  I have received a lot of questions on whether I did these myself or not and the answer is “yes”!  Let me show you how!

What you will need:

  • Sally Hansen: Advanced Hard as Nails, Nylon + Retinol Strengthener
  • Sally Hansen: “Back to the Fuchsia”
  • Sally Hansen: Black Platinum”
  • Kiss Nail Art Paint in Black (Walgreen’s)
  • Sally Hansen: “Mega Shine”

This style is relatively easy as long as you have steady hands.  The only difficulty I came across was trying to draw the fine lines on my left hand.

First Step:  Prep your nail (file, buff, cut cuticles).  Put on the clear Hard as Nails nail polish to help protect your nails and also build up the strength.  Putting on a clear coat can also help prevent your nails from being stained by your nail polish.

Second Step: Apply “Back to the Fuchsia” (hot pink) to your thumb, middle, and ring fingers.  Wait until dry and apply a second coat.  This is my favorite color of all time so just be aware that you may fall in love with it!

Third Step:  Apply “Black Platinum” to you pointer and little fingers.  You may have to apply three coats because this is a rather thin paint and will not show a true black with just two coats.


Fourth Step: Take the nail art paint in black and carefully outline the the outer edges of your thumbnail and ring finger.  You really want to make sure that this is a thin line, you don’t want it to be too thick.  Once you have outlined your nail, draw a thin line down the middle of your nail.  Once the line is to your liking make two lines branching out to create a peace sign.

Fifth Step:  For your middle finger, we are creating a french manicure.  Draw a line that follows the curve of your upper nail.  You may want to make this line a little more thick so it is more apparent.

Sixth Step:  Once your nails have completely dried, apply the “Mega Shine” to make sure your new look stands out!

And you are finished!!  This is by far my favorite nail design I have tried, I hope you enjoyed it too!!  Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns just let me know! 🙂 xoxo